Saturday, July 9, 2011


Leonardo Da Vinci Virtual Museum is part of Unity 3D based applications for internet.

In this demo you will enter a virtual representation of the Leonardo Da Vinci's museum, showing examples of machines which you will be able to fully animate by clicking on the corresponding information panel.

This Da Vinci online experience, unlike traditional flash-based solutions using 'tricks' to create the sensation of a 3D environment, is truly three-dimensional and can be walked around without limits.

This can be easily adapted for virtual tours and multiplayer experiences offering an innovative marketing solution for art/historic applications.

This is a reconstruction of Istana Sultan Alaedin, located in Selangor, by the E-Warisan team from MMU Cyberjaya. User can walk-through and navigate around the palace. This application has limited interaction's (only proximity sensor for doors and windows).

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